Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Take Home this Piece!

We are offering a raffle to offset the costs of this exhibition. Many of the artists are creating non-commercial and site-specific works for the show and traveling quite a distance. Craig Kane, an artist based in Queens, has created a very special "Found" sculpture (pictured on card and above.)
For only $5 you get a chance to submit your name and possibly take home Craig's piece! For $25, you get 5 chances and a free downloadable copy of the exhibition catalog!! For $100, you get 20 chances and your name listed as a sponsor for the show in all press and catalog materials!!! The drawing will take place at the Artists' Talk on August 30. All of the money raised will go to support the artists.
Checks can be made payable to the non-profit Peconic Green Growth and mailed to Art Sites 651 West Main St. Riverhead, NY 11901

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I love this show! Wish I could be there. Congrats to everyone.

    If it isn't inappropriate blog etiquette to mention another artist, may I suggest that you check out the work of Elizabeth Lundberg Morisette, whose sculpture and woven pieces are composed of once-prized, now unwanted collections for cheap found on Ebay or at flea markets. Now people even bring her free collections of stuff that would otherwise be thrown away. She has a blog of her own on blogspot, and also can be found at

    Favor to ask: would you please cite the name of the artist, work, title, date....for the images you post. I know it is awkward to find a spot below the image because of the way you load without space for a can put the credit information in the text of the posting.
